Monday, July 14, 2014

Week 4

We had a great time our last week at Camp Berea!  John was able to lead staff devotions for the support staff & volunteers (which was about 25 people) on Tuesday through Thursday mornings. The rest of the week he was able to meet with several full time stuff to work along side them and ask questions about their responsibilities at Camp Berea. It has been interesting to see how all of the camps do things so different yet we all have the same ending goal of reaching campers for Christ!

With John's schedule being a little more relaxed in the last week at Camp Berea, we got to spend some time doing things together as a family. We still spent a lot of time at the lake swimming, got to go out on Newfound Lake to see the sites (plus Ben and Bailey got to go tubing), and on Tuesday we headed to Boston to watch a Red Sox game.  We were able to meet up with Jeremy & Meredith Fulda, who were in town visitng another friend, for dinner before the game.  We had a great time catching up with them and hearing about their ministry. We had a lot of fun at the game, but I think the kids favorite part was riding the subway:). It was a little more stressful  with kids, and I'm glad I don't have to do that everyday!

Later in the week we went back to the mountains to see the Flume Gorge at Franconia Notch.  It was so beautiful!!  We spent most of the day hiking and exploring all the neat little waterfalls:). New Hampshire is a beautiful state, and would highly recommend anyone who loves the outdoors to make plans to visit the area. Here are some pictures from our hike.

One of the kids favorite things at camp was the Friday night carnival.  They loved running around winning tickets and spending them on fried dough (super yummy) and cotton candy.  The boys loved spending their tickets to shoot the counselors with paintball guns:). The boys had a small group of guy staff that they loved!  They were super great with them and helped bring Bradley out of his shell (picture below)!

As expected, Ben loved the photo booth:) Thank you Mr. Rhett and NLR summer staff on your influence!

One of Bradley's favorites at the carnival was a donut eating contest. After a few seconds of actually trying, he would usually just grab the donut to eat it! 

We made some good friends while we were there!  The kids had fun playing with Bella (resident staff kiddo).  They played and swam at the lake for hours everyday and were very sad to say goodbye to her.

We also got to know a ver neat couple who have been volunteering every summer for 18 years!  They made us feel very welcomed and always checked on us:). We will miss our friends Bill and Ruth!

So we said goodbye to Camp Berea on Sunday...please continue to pray for them and their staff.  They are doing great things there and 3 weeks of camp left including jr. high camp this week, a girls only week, and a jr high and sr. high week, before ending the summer with 2 weeks of family camp!! We do hope to come back someday to visit our new friends at Camp Berea!

We are now at Hume New England in Massachusetts and having a good time. We'll post again soon!  Thanks for all the prayer, text and emails...we sure miss home:)

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