Wednesday, December 5, 2007


We got all of Ben's results back today and everything came back normal. Now Mom can stop worrying and maybe get a good night sleep. I think that this means that Ben has a really big brain and is going to be really smart:) Thanks for all of your prayers!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Ben had his CT scan done today. He did not sleep through the test... so they had to hold him in place. They said the pictures had some motion in them and they would try and read them. If they are unable to read them we will have to put him under and do it again. We should know some results by Wed. afternoon. We will keep you posted. Thanks for your prayers!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


When we took Ben for his 4 month check-up last month the Dr. was concern with his head size. They asked us to come back in a month to remeasure his head. We went this week and it is still measuring big so we will take him on Tuesday, Dec 4th to have a CT scan done. They will be looking for fluid on his brain. Please be in prayer that he sleeps through it so we don't have to give him meds to make him sleep and that they will not find anything. The Dr. said that he could just have a large head. We will keep you posted. Thanks

Fun with Daddy!

Bailey and Ben love playing with Daddy. On Thanksgiving day John got up with the kids (so mommy could sleep in:)) to make pancakes and watch the parades on TV. Bailey liked watching all the big balloons and the kid floats. John has been training her since birth to like football. The OU band was in the parade and as soon as she heard them she started yelling Boomer Sooner!! I think this is brainwashing:) After they ate they played football in the living room. Bailey also likes to wear John's Dallas Cowboys football helmet. She likes to fumble the ball so John will tackle her. Ben has no chance with those two!!
For Thanksgiving we enjoyed spending time with John's family in Tulsa. We had lots of food including Bailey eating 4 slices of pie:-....We paid for that later! We also got to see John's Grandmother who had been in the hospital that week. It was good seeing her. She had not met Ben yet and the kids really seemed to brighten her day.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Toilet Paper!

This is my first attempt at this....I read the blog of one of my good friends from high school. My Mom and Grandma always love to hear funny stories about the kids. I thought this would be a fun way for all you to here fun stories.

Those of you that know Bailey Bug know that she can be quite funny! The other morning she came upstairs to tell me that she cleaned Ben up. Ben spits up alot and she likes to help, so I didn't think anything of it. When I came downstairs a few minutes later I saw that she wrapped him all up in toilet paper. She then told me that he was really messy! Bailey loves to help take care of Ben. She likes to watch TV with him in her little chair and cover him up with her special pink blanket. I am waiting for the day that she decides he needs to play dress up! Daddy will love that one:)