Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Storm!

Yesterday the ice started to fall and is still falling today. We have not lost power yet and I am hoping we won't but it looks like we might. We have had a fun day playing around the house, watching movies and feeding the birds cereal on the sidewalk!

All of the white is ice not snow!

Fish Sitting!

Bailey got to babysit Mr. Rhett's fish while he was out of town one week. Bailey thought this was great fun and even renamed his fish Sugar! We ended up keeping Mr. Rhett's fish longer than a week and Mommy did not pay enough attention to how clean the water was and....the fish DIED!! Thankfully Bailey did not see and Mommy bought Mr. Rhett a new fish. I am not sure if Mr. Rhett will let us fish sit again:)

Fun Around the House

As Ben is getting older he is learning how to play more. Bailey loves to play with her brother. They find all kinds of things to get into:) I think Ben thinks he is just as big as Bailey!!

Ben's Bite

Right after Christmas Ben woke up with a small bite on his leg. By lunch time it was huge and we took him to the Dr. and he thought it was a brown recluse spider bite. Only time would tell...thankfully it did not get as bad as we thought it was going too. We are not sure if what kind of spider it really was but it was not pretty.
I know he will love me when he is older for taking this picture!

Holiday Fun

It has been so long since I posted last...sorry:) Things have been busy around here and I have just had no time to blog. We had a wonderful Christmas with both of our families. John's parents came over Christmas Eve and spent the night. After opening presents with them we went to Sand Springs to have lunch with my sister's family and my Mom and Dad. It was alot of fun to watch Bailey and Ben play with their cousins. They all had a blast! Bailey had been counting down the days for Christmas since Thanksgiving. She was alot of fun this year. She had alot of fun making cookies and waiting for Santa to come! She also had fun making a special birthday cake for Jesus and of course... it had to be pink! I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas too!

Bailey and Daddy making cookies for Santa and PaPa helped her decorate them!