Sunday, September 28, 2008


Bailey has been playing soccer the month of September. They play every Saturday and just learn the basics of soccer. Next year she will be able to play on a team which I think she will like much more. She really seemed to like playing as long as she was moving and doing something. She did not like waiting in line to do the next thing. I will have to say these soccer teachers have a ton of patience to work with that many 4 year olds at a time!
Red Light Green Light soccer. This was Bailey's favorite game!!

Bailey was so excited the she got a trophy. She showed it to everyone that day:)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

We Miss PaPa!!

As I have posted in an earlier blog, my parents are in the process of moving to Houston. My Dad is already there while my mom is still here selling the house. Bailey and Ben both miss their Papa. So Dad this is for you!! Bailey was talking about you this morning so we made you a picture and thought we would put them on our blog. We Love You!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Friend!!

Bailey has been in school for 2 weeks now and on Friday she got in the car and informed me that she now has a boyfriend! His name is Isaiah and he wants her to spend the night because he has bunk beds:) I told Bailey that I didn't know Isaiah's mommy so I didn't think we could go play at his house. Her exact words were, "that's ok mommy we can go to his house and you can tell his mommy your name and then you will know her!". They have this all figured out! I thought this just might be a one day thing but she talked about him all weekend. When I picked her up from school on Monday her first words were, "I got to play tag with Isaiah today mommy, he is so much fun!" Daddy's face was priceless when she told him that she had a boyfriend. We are trying to get her to just say her friend Isaiah, but I will have to admit it is really cute when she talks about him. I have gotten to school early a couple of days so I can see her play on the playground and he is a cute little boy and they play very well together.

Bailey really seems to like school. She gets excited on the days that she gets to go and really wants John and I to just drop her off and not walk in because she can do it by herself. She is growing up too fast!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First day of Pre-K

Bailey started Pre-School today. She was so excited that she stayed up until 11 last night (Dad put her to bed at 8:30) At 10 she came in with another backpack full of her stuffed animals and said she was ready to go. I put her back to bed and told her she had to sleep first. Then at 4 am she came to wake me up to tell me it was time for school. I sure hope she is this excited to go to school five years from now! Once we got in the car she told me she did not need me to come in and that she could find her class herself. I don't know where she gets this independent streak from??

Fun with Friends at the zoo!

On Friday several Moms at camp decided to take the kids to the zoo before school started. The kids all had a great time. The zoo was very hot but there was hardly anyone there. I left Ben with John's parents and just had a special day with Bailey. She really loved it and liked having Mommy all to herself.

Bailey and Nate were so cute at the zoo. They held hands the whole time we were there and had a great time!


This past weekend we kept my Mom's dog Belle. Bailey really loves Belle and loves to babysit her. This time when MaMa dropped Belle off she told Bailey that Belle had been sick and would not be able to play. Bailey was so good with Belle. She wrapped her in her special pink blanket and read her stories in bed. She was a good little nurse!

Our Little Photographer!

Bailey has discovered that she loves to take pictures. I think Santa might have to bring her one for Christmas. She loves to take our camera all over and take pictures of things around the house. She is getting pretty good at I thought I would share some of them with you. All of these photos where taken by Bailey!
Nathan and Teresa who are friend who live at the Ranch.

Mrs. Deedra from camp and Ben

Ben is growing!

Our little Ben is not so little anymore. He is turning into a little man. His little personality is coming out and he is so much fun! He loves to be outside and will stand at the door at the house an bang on it until you go out. One of his favorite places at camp is the new sports court. We take Bailey there to ride her bike and Ben loves to push is walker all over. He will do this for hours if we let him. He is a very happy boy and always has a smile on his face. He also loves to give hugs and kisses. Now that he is more mobile he and Bailey have a great time together! We just love this little guy!

I have been Tagged!

I have been tagged by Joy....sorry it has taken so long:)
I will share 6 fun quirks about myself:

I have to have a Dr. Pepper within an hour of getting out of bed.

I don't like to have anything on my refrigerator! Although I am letting up on this since my 4 year old wants to put everything she makes on the the refrigerator.

I love Mexican food. I cook it a least once a week.

I like for my kitchen to be very clean with nothing on the counter tops

I have my own way of spelling things due to my dyslexia

Where did August go??

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. August was a very busy month for us. Summer camp ended on Aug 2 at 10:00 and then we turned camp around to have 1000 people here to celebrate the camps 50th year in ministry. It was a great day but also very busy for the resident staff. It was great to see people that John and I worked with on summer staff together back when we were in college and to see some of the first camp counselor's who also came back. The founders of the camp were Mr. and Mrs Heck. Mr Heck went to be with the Lord several years ago and on this day of celebration Mrs. Heck went to join him. We were really hoping that she would get to be here on this day to see all the Lord has done but what a better view she had of camp that day!! After seeing all of the history of the Ranch on that day it is an honor to be a part of what the Lord is doing here today!

After Aug. 2 John's busy time began with the first group arriving the next morning. We are back into retreat season now where John is on call a lot more. The kids and I have been on our own a lot during the month and I am very thankful that I am not a single mom! We went to the pool here at camp almost everyday and played with lots of friends before school stated. We also got to go to Dallas to see MaMa H for her birthday. On the way there we got to stop by and see my best friend from high school, Jennifer, who lives just outside of Norman. It was great to see her and her 3 boys and then off to Dallas we went. Bailey got to have her first sleep over with her cousins and thought that was great. Bailey and Ben were both a big hit of my grandmother's retirement home. Bailey loved talking with people in the hallways and riding the elevator. I think this was the first trip in a long time that I did not take one single picture! It was a very fast trip but alot of fun!

Many of you already know the hard time my parents have gone through at their church...for those who don't it is a really long story. To make a long story short my dad resigned his church back in March and has been without a job. In the middle of July he excepted a postion as family pastor in Houston. My dad moved down there a few weeks ago while my mom will stay here and try to sell their house. Please be in prayer for them during this transition and that the house sells quickly so my mom can join my dad down in Houston. I am really sad to see them go but I am excited to see what God has in store for them in Houston!!