Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Birthday MaMa!!

Bailey and Ben celebrated MaMa's birthday today by eating cake and blowing out candles for her. We sure wish we were with you today MaMa!! We love you very much and hope you have a great birthday!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Silly Ben

Ben found a new hiding spot tonight. When we found him he thought it was really funny! He had fun getting into the closet but was not to sure how to get out.

Mommy's Birthday

Bailey was very excited about my birthday (more excited than mom). She did not quite understand why I was not having a birthday party like she does:) She really wanted Mommy to have a dress up party with lots of friends and party hats. As soon as she got up that morning she came in to get John because she wanted to make me breakfast in bed. She was very proud of her toast and water that she could make all by herself (which is very important around here)! I think she sang me happy birthday about 20 times or more:) Later that day her and daddy made me some banana bread for my cake. Now I think she is already planning her party for May!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

On Tuesday, we went over to my friend Aimee's house to make gingerbread houses with the girls. Aimee and I are good friends from college and worked together at Jenks. Aimee and her husband moved to Siloam around the same time we came to the ranch. Bailey and Lauren have become great friends. They are in the same pre-school class and gymnastics class. They really have alot of fun together!

Trip to Houston

For Thanksgiving this year we went down to Houston to see my parents. Bailey was very excited to see MaMa and PaPa's new house and to see her new room. It has been hard for her since they left because I don't think she really understood that they moved. It has made it easier now that she knows where their new house is and what it looks like. We had a great time and were able to stay for a week. The weather was so nice while we were there. It was in the 80's most of the time we were there... while it was snowing at camp. I will have to say it was hard to look at Christmas lights when it was so HOT! I think Bailey's favorite part of going to my parents house was going to the beach. On Saturday we drove down to Galveston to go the beach and the aquarium. It was amazing to see all of the damage from Ike.

Peter and Ben

Ben's friend Peter came to play one morning. It is so fun to watch Ben play with another little boy. He really seems to like having someone to play with that is closer to his age. The boys played together with this one toy for about an hour. They are both learning how to share so I think it is very good for them to spend time together. This is one of the many little boys he has to play with here at camp. Thanks for playing with us Peter!!

Chicken Pox!

Bailey has decided that she wants to have the chicken pox. She thinks that it would be fun to have spots all over her. She found my sticker box from school and put stickers all over her to pretend that she had the chicken pox! She thought Ben needed them too...little does she know how horrible they really are!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun!

This has been a fun week of Halloween activities. This was the first year Bailey really enjoyed all of it:) We started with going to church for the street carnival on Wednesday night. They had a lot of fun games for the kids to play. Bailey's favorite game was the fishing game and Ben loved the little jupiter jump. Bailey was a unicorn and Ben was Scooby Doo.

On Thursday, we went with some friends to John Brown University to go trick-or-treating in the dorms. We got to see alot of our friends that worked at camp this summer! Bailey and Ben's friends from Bible Study and the Ranch.

Ben's friends from Bible study who are little skunks they are also triplets! They were so cute:)

Bailey and her friend Eden from camp!

Finally tonight we went to some friends house to have pizza and go trick-or-treating some more. On our way we stopped by Bailey's Pre-K teacher's house. Bailey was very excited to see some friends there and to see where Ms. Brenda lives. Bailey decided today that she was tired of being a unicorn so she decided to be Pocahontas:) A girl has to have options!

The kids had a great time. It was fun watching Bailey get excited going to each house and getting candy and then looking to see if the next house had their light on! I sure hope that she sleeps in some in the morning. All of this trick-or-treating wore Mommy OUT!!

Ben loves the GATOR!!

John drives a gator around camp when he is on call. I know Ben is all boy because he can hear it coming a mile away! He loves when daddy comes home driving it. He stands at the door laughing and yelling DADA!! He gets very upset if you walk past it and he does not get to sit on it and pretend like he is driving and no matter how long he gets to play on is not long enough!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bailey's First OU game!

John decided to have a Daddy/Daughter day and take Bailey with him to the OU game. She was so excited to go watch the Boomer Sooners! I really not sure who was more excited....John or Bailey:) John said that Bailey had alot of fun and loved every minute of it!


This weekend we took Bailey to the circus. It was so fun to watch her face as she was amazed at everything. Several times she would ask if she could do what they were doing and we heard her say many times "Wow that is cool". One of her favorite parts were the elephants. She was looking forward to that all night and it made it even better that while doing one of their tricks the elephant pooped!

Messy Benny!

I was up stairs folding laundry and when I came down this is what I found!

I immediately looked at Bailey and she just shrugged her shoulders and said, "he was hungry"! Just in case you are wondering spaghetti is really hard to get out of carpet.