Thursday, March 27, 2008


We had a great Easter this year. We spent some time with John's family on Saturday. Bailey had a great time hunting eggs with PaPa Blair. Bailey and Ben both had fun opening their baskets from MaMa and PaPa. I think Ben liked the wrapping more than what was in the basket!

On Sunday we went to church and then had lunch with my Mom and Dad. On the way to their house Bailey asked alot of questions about Jesus and the bad men that put on his crown. I don't think I realized how hard it would be to explain that to a 3 year old. I am very thankful that she ask alot of question and is trying to understand things. I don't think she really understood but is learning little by little:)

Ben had his first peep and LOVED it! I would have never done this with Bailey but with the second child I am more laid back. It made a huge mess but we all got a good laugh watching him. After lunch Bailey, my Mom and I hunted eggs while the boys fell asleep watching basketball.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Here are some pictures from around camp. The creek that runs through camp is flooding the middle of camp. We are all ready for the rain to stop but it is suppose to rain through the night tonight.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

OU Gymnastics

Bailey went to her first Gymnastics Meet today. We got to see the OU team compete against the U of A Team. Bailey thought is was very cool. She told us the she was going to work really hard in her class so she could do those cool tricks when she was older! Bailey got to meet one of the girls from the OU team, named Hollie, and got her picture taken with her. After the awards ceremony Hollie came and gave Bailey her flower from winning an award for bars and beam. Bailey was in awe! I am sure that will not be the last meet we go to:)

Monday, March 10, 2008

"I will take care of Ben"

This morning I told Bailey that I was going to take Ben upstairs and get ready. Bailey said, "I can take care of Ben in my room Mommy." So I left Ben playing with some toys in Bailey's room and went to get ready. I could hear them on the monitor upstairs and she was talking very sweet to him. I came to check on them about 5 minutes later and this is what I saw when I walked into Bailey's room. Daddy's going to love this one!:)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

California Vacation Pics!

We had a great time in California! Bailey had a great time at Disneyland and the Beach. I think John had just as much fun taking Bailey to all of his favorite places that he enjoyed as a kid. We got to visit with some of John's friends from high school and eat at our favorite place, In-N-Out Burgers. I always enjoy going to California when we go back but I am always glad to get back to our pace of life!