Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Today John turned 35, and Bailey was so excited that it was Daddy Birthday. We got stuff to make a cake and she has been asking for days to make it! Today was the big after Daddy left to work we started baking!
After we got back from lunch and we got Ben down for his nap it was time to decorate the cake! Bailey got to pick out what was going to be on Daddy's cake. First she wanted to do a Tinker Bell cake but....we decided Daddy should have a boy cake. Finally Bailey decided on Diego because he was a boy but we had to have a few pink candles and a lot of sprinkes!

When Daddy got home from work we went out to eat with some family and friends. We ate at one of John's favorite places..Shogun's. Bailey thought it was fun watching the cook but was a little scared of the fire. Ben just like throwing his rice on the floor:) We had a good dinner and then came back to the house to have our yummy cake!!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ben is Walking

This week I had some of the girl counselors over at my house for small group time. We were all sitting on the floor in a circle and Ben was playing in the middle. While we were talking he stood up (which he has done before) and started walking to Miss Melanie. The rest of the time he would only walk to her. He would walk a few steps and then stop to clap with the rest of us. Since then he is walking more and more. Bailey loves for him to walk to her and Ben love walking to her laughing all the way.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


We finally got Bailey a pineapple. If you read in an earlier post Bailey wanted me to get one at the store after we got a coconut and she did not like it. We found the perfect pineapple and brought it home. We had friends come over and Bailey told them she had to show them something was the pineapple. When we finally cut it open for her to try she loved it. She said the it was Awesome!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We took Bailey to the Naturals baseball game on Sunday night and Dora was there. Bailey was very excited to see her and told her she loves watching her show. Ben was not to sure of Dora and did not really want to be near her.

After the game is over they let the kids come down to the field to run the bases. Bailey wanted to do it all by herself and would not let John go out there with her. She was one of the smallest kids out there but she ran so hard and thought it was so fun!!

Fun around the house!

Here are some fun pictures from the past few weeks of the kids playing and having fun around the house. Bailey loves bath time and Miss Erika helped bailey make her hair look silly in the bath tub!Ben is getting so big and is really at a fun age! He is starting to show off and likes to have his picture taken. Some of his favorite things are playing with Bailey's toys (especially if she is playing with it), rolling his balls and feeding himself.

Ben likes to sit in Bailey baby doll stroller. Bailey would push him around in her stroller when he was younger but he is to big for it now.

Family Camp

Every year at camp around the 4th of July we have family camp. This year we had about 50 families come from all over. This is also a time for the resident staff to be a part of camp. Each family is assigned a counselor to help them during the week. Our counselor this year was Miss Amelia (whom Bailey loves). She was in our youth group when we worked at Kirk in we have known her for a while. There were lots of fun kid activities including a carnival, fireworks, pony rides and swimming. Our speaker this year shared with the parents about teaching our children the Truth and living out our faith in front of our children. This is one of our favorite parts of the summer! Bailey eating a snow cone with her friend Avery and sliding down the big slide.

Bailey really wanted to bob for apples and I didn't think that she would be able to get one. She not only got one but FOUR! She was really good and wanted to get more but we had to leave some for the other kids:)

Bailey, Ben and Miss Amelia waiting for the fireworks to start.

Bailey swimming with Miss Amelia. She learned how to go under water and blow bubbles. She was so proud of herself!